martes, 5 de mayo de 2009

My piece of technology

Really, I don't have any favorite piece of technology because I think that I would live without this things perfectly. We just believe that this pieces are necessary for live because we are accustomed to the comfort that they give us. However, one the pieces of technology that i like it's the DVD because everyday I see a movie. I have my own DVD since my aunt give me one for the last christmas. During the first month I didn't use it, but when I found its useful, I used it for avoid TV programs. Now, I usually rent movies or my friends lend me their own, I make a copy and see movies all the time.
I think that my life without DVD would be as the same that now only that I would have to go to the cinema to see all the movies and it would be more expensive. I wouldn't have many ways and objects to entertainment me.

2 comentarios:

English class dijo...

One movie per day? That's a lot of movies Rocio. When do you study?
I love movies too. I wish I could watch them more often

vale dijo...

hello rodo, a dvd can be very useful, but a think that you didn't think about the things that you use to write, like your own computer, or even your pen and a piece of paper (that also can be a piece of tecnologia)