jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
Challengues of my discipline
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
My Faculty
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
What makes me chilean
jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
Animal Rights in Chile
lunes, 22 de junio de 2009
My blogging experience
Sincelery, this kind of activity was so boring for me, because I felt obliged to write in each class and do it publicly, and something that i really hate it's that. Also, I think that the experience can be better if the topics are related to things that motivates us or generate more discussion and differents points of view, I don't know...maybe notices or topics of social importance. In my particular case, I felt silly in many times writing topics as "My favorite web site", "My favorite subject" or "My favorite I don't know". Always the topics were related with this kind of things and although I learnt new vocabulary and practiced my english, I think that it could be better.
But, I don’t stay here for make a hard critic about this evaluation. It’s just that I’m making a constructive critic for the teacher is she read this. I guess that we could waste the time with other games, dynamics, other exercises. Well, I don’t know exactly what, but I remember my class in the school and was so entertaining, we used to listen songs and complete it, but songs that we choose or read stories, make crosswords, make interviews in the streets and another games. Well, I think that are so many ways to teach English and it’s really subjective, because if for me this activity wasn’t the best, maybe for my classmates was great.
Finally, I’d like to say that the class in general was so useful for practice our English and communicate and share different opinions. The topics for the conversations were interesting and makes me laugh in many times. I can share something with my new classmates and it was nice.
lunes, 15 de junio de 2009
My future
I think that in 5 years from now i’ll be working in my own coffee shop. I really would like to work in this Project that i have with my best friend, Macarena. She is studying art and it’s really interested in this Project, too. We pretend make a different and innovator coffee with our recipes and with and cool and nice enviroment and a lot of other things, but our ideas for the moment are secrets.
Profesionally, I hope to do a postgraduate course related with aesthetic of the cinema because i want to know more about it. I would like to do it in this University for one day write a book with this topic.
Personally, I would like to be a mom. Also, I think that I’ll live with my boyfriend in a great flat in front of a park in the center of Santiago. But I don’t think so much in the future because i have enough with the present and i don’t want to think a life in 5 years from now because it’s depends that what happened in all this time and all that i think can change.
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
my favorite subject
In this post I'm going to write about Rupture and Ideology I, that is my favorite subject this term because we can see a lot of pictures and other images related to avant-gardes. It's very interesting because we can learn theory seeing pictures all the class, and the teacher uses it for tell us about the bases that every movement takes as their ideology and how their main characters express it throught their pictures, using elements like colors, composition, ways to representation, lines, etc, etc.
I think that this subject it's great to consider the job and the process of creation of the picture and the result of all that according to the time and the context. Also, the teacher, María Elena Muñoz, it's a very energic person and always she's talking about curious stories and other funny tips about the life of some artists.
I have learnt a lot this semester about this topic, for example, recognize and difference between artistic movements like romanticism, realism, impressionism, expressionism, Bauhaus…
lunes, 1 de junio de 2009

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009
My best friend
When we go out of the school, she entered to study art at the university and i took this year for prepare me and think about what i wanted to study. In this time, we knew better and i recognized that she is my best friend. She is always there and never let me alone, it doesn't matter if i was so sad or so happy, she is here for share my feelings. It's a wonderful and intelligent person, she always say the truth and cares about me.
We have similar personalities and another things in common. We share our love for the art and decoration, our dreams and projects and also, our values and principles. All this things are very important for me because i feel that she is like me and this makes that we never fight or discuse for stupid things and really...for anything. We working as a complement one of each other and this is really cool. I don't have enough words to describe our terrific relationship.
The thing that makes us different are, for example, our ways to face the problems and solve it.
We always go for a coffee and talked so much, we love talk a lot in a good ambient, with nice music or walk for a park, watch a movie, etc.
My favorite website
I guess that this page it's a great invent because at the moment, it's one of the sites more visited of internet and this is the result of one page that was created with the object that we can decide what i want to see and share, if i want to be the actor or actress of my own movie, i can do it. If i want share my favorite music videos or something else, i can do it. No matter how and what do you upload at your account as user of youtube, you can enjoy this benefits and share all that things that like you.
I knew this website about three of four years ago because one of my friends created funny videos with her friends for show it in youtube, and send me the link for watch it and then i look for another things.
martes, 5 de mayo de 2009
My piece of technology
I think that my life without DVD would be as the same that now only that I would have to go to the cinema to see all the movies and it would be more expensive. I wouldn't have many ways and objects to entertainment me.
lunes, 27 de abril de 2009
About my career...
All my subjects are very interesting, but my favourites are American Art and one that is about cinema, specially about fantastic movies. The last one it's entertaining for me because we always see different movies and it's more dynamic than the others subjects, but the most important reason that I like this subject is because I would like to work in something related with this topic and use as tools my knowledge about history and theory of art for apply it in other areas.
I think that my career make professionals that are ready for nearer people to art and this activity it's so beautiful because in the future we can contribute with that as professionals, making investigations, working in an art gallery or in another place, but always we can teach as some way to the society a different vision about art, having as reference all our knowledges about this for create since our perceptions, feelings and experiences a new ways to see the things.
martes, 21 de abril de 2009
An amazing holidays!

I would like to return there someday with my family or friends and see more than what I remember.
lunes, 20 de abril de 2009
Welcome to my blog!
But, also along one month ago i have been living with my boyfriend very near of the university and we are so happy now, although i miss so much to my family and sometimes i want to return to my parent's home.
Well, something more about me is that i really like the music, specially an style that is called trip hop and it's nice and relax for me. Also, I love to watch movies all the time and go out with my friends.
And that's all for now, i hope that you like my blog.